Our results-driven practice has delivered a proven track record over the past twenty years enabling our clients to rapidly surpass their previously planned business objectives by 2 to 5X, beyond their projected revenue and profit growth, often exceeding 20% per year even in mature, slow growth markets for a broad range of Global 1000 and mid-size companies and their divisions such as GE, Siemens, Cisco, Veritas, Nortel, ABB, Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, Thermo Electron, Tyco Healthcare, Invensys, Wachovia, and many others.
In fact, we have delivered 2 to 5X results with all of our clients who had previously achieved only incremental results with either leading consulting companies such as McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Mercer, Monitor, Accenture, PRTM and others as well as with leading thinkers such as Jim Collins, Clayton Christensen, Zook, Slywotzky, Treacy and others